Author Instructions

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1. Oral presentation Guidelines for Presenters:

You are highly recommended to bring your presentation in Power Point Format or PDF format to the conference on a USB stick. It should be delivered to your session chair in the presentation room 10 min before the beginning. You can contact your session chair or convener if you have further questions.
For Mac users, a presenter's Macbook can be used by connecting it with a projector, but Mac users should prepare themselves VGA converters for their presentation.
2. Poster presentation Guidelines for Presenters:
The posters have to be prepared in English, the official language of the conference.
A freestanding compatible posterboard (1200 mm wide x 1500 mm high) will be available for your poster. Your poster size should not exceed the ISO A0 format (841 mm wide x 1189 mm high).
2.1 Setting up of your poster and display:
The posterboards will be arranged in session groups and numbered according to the poster list. We recommend you to display your poster before the opening ceremony before 5pm on 27 July (Wed), otherwise after opening ceremony. You poster is encouraged to be displayed for three days from 27 July (Wed) to 29 July (Fri) until the end of closing ceremony. Authors are responsible for the setting up and the removal of their posters according to the following schedule.
  Date / Time Notes
Setting up

27 July (Wed.) 15:00 - 17:00

27 July (Wed.) 21:00 - 

before the opening ceremony

after the opening ceremony

Display  27 July(Wed.)  17:00  –  29 July (Fri.) 22:00  
Removal 29 July (Fri.) 22:00 –  
2.2. Presentation time & evaluation
Poster presenters should be aware of their presentation & evaluation time. The chair of session groups will lead moderated poster presentation. Chairpersons will gather and guide participants from poster to poster, and invite the authors to summarise their posters for a short allocated time and stimulate  discussions afterwards.
 Date Time Notes

28 July, Thursday

12:40 – 14:00

Energy & Environment (EE), Basic Science (BS), Life Science (LS), Mechatronics & Aerospace (MA), Built Environment (BE), Inclusive Development (ID), Science Policy and Governance (SP)

29 July, Friday

12:40 – 14:00 Ocean Engineering (OE), Material Science and Technology (MS), Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
2.3. Best poster awards
Students for a PhD or a master/bachelor degree can participate in this competition. Your poster presentation, poster and abstract manuscript will be evaluated by scientific committee members. Most outstanding posters will be awarded with certificates and prize money.